We help amazing Australian brands reframe their best customers, weaving together yesterday’s data with today to make better decisions tomorrow.

what we do

We work with brands and retailers to harness the predictive power of AI and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) — an elusive forward-looking metric — so you can identify and understand your most valuable customers and make profitable investment decisions, even before their first purchase.

why your brand needs a Woven check-up …

the nemesis of siloed data within siloed organisations

Operating in isolation, teams create data gaps, limiting a unified understanding of customer behaviour, preferences and ultimately hampering CLV. This disjointed approach stymies strategic decisions, diluting brand efficacy.

obsessed with the scoreboard, missing the game

By focusing solely on quantitative metrics like sales and clicks, you overlook other predictive indicators, ultimately losing out on a more nuanced understanding of future CLV.

data blunders and you kiss loyalty goodbye

Inadequate customer data analysis not only leads to reactive decision-making but also jeopardises long-term growth, eroding customer loyalty and significantly impairing acquisition and retention efforts.

data's smoke and mirrors indicate one size fails all

Treating customers as monolithic can be misleading. Diverse behaviours and preferences often hide behind aggregate metrics, obscuring nuances vital for personalised engagement and retention.

here’s why it matters

Growth isn't speculative;
it's strategic.

It’s not one metric, platform, or legacy insight. It’s not even a sip of an AI magic potion or prompt; it’s a collaborative combination of qualitative and quantitative insights and realisation from a team that sees and works across your organisation.

our services

Woven service portfolio was designed to be an end-to-end partner for clients who need to know not only what their customer’s CLV is but also how and what to do with it to ensure continuity and growth.


Interactive workshops and masterclasses to educate your organisation on the power that can be unlocked through your customer data.


Deep dive analysis of your data to identify your most valuable customers and their behaviours, as well as the overall health of your customer base.


Working with your organisation to collectively harness the value of CLV and customer pattern insights across the entire organisation.